Thursday, September 28, 2006

Well, not alot of people visiting my blog, so...I'm gonna post me picture! Hehehe don't be scare when you see what I look like, okie ;p



Cergie said...

Oh ! Hello, dear !
I'll come back !
I ùmust have a shower now !

Cergie said...

"Tada !"
I was always sying that for my baby daughter when playing: "tada le chevallier blanc" = "tada the white knight !"

Marguerite said...

Coucou, it's me too, cergie. Remember:I have another blog.

I find you are so pretty, if i was so young, sure i'ld publish my photo.
Don't say nobody come on your blog.
Often people just come and look without putting a comment.

Aurevoire !

Cỏ Tím said...

Cergie: Cergie! *hugs*
Luci Marguerite: Even if aren't "so young" you can still publish your photo ;p

Cergie said...

But, dear Cỏ Tím, nobody never takes photo of me !
Once, I took one in a mirror !

And look, I changed my face today !

Reflex said...

Nice to meet you Cò Tim :)