Monday, March 05, 2007

Family Dinner

Last weekend, my family and I went out to dinner.
Location: Sam Woo Restaurant in Irvine, Ca.

The first course: Dried Scallop Soup.

The second course: Peking Duck

The third course: I don't know

The fourth course: Fu Chow Fried Rice (correct me if I'm wrong)

The fifth course: Tender Greens

The last course: Watermelons and Fortune cookies

I had a great time with my family. We enjoyed all of the courses, however, we're not big eaters...we ended up taking almost everything to go. The soup was the only thing that we've managed to finished. As for the bill, well...let's just say that it's a good thing that it wasn't my turn. hee...hee...hee... :D

Look, look...I copied The Lovely Cergie. Sadly, it is not as lovely as the picture that she took on Tet. *sigh* "Nothing beats the original."

Anyhoo, this is the reflexion from the mirror.


Cergie said...

This light is lovely too don't worry ! The only difference is that mine is made about wood and is a true old chinese lamp and yours is made with paper and is a new one
I believe that the third court is a fried fish . I presume you had a pretty nice time with your family

Reflex said...

All that food look so tasty :)

Anonymous said...

Reflex: Yup, they were tasty. : )