Saturday, March 10, 2007

My First Lesson for 2007

This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for a cousin in New Zealand, but I am too scatterbrained to input in the right information, so the gift ended up traveled somewhere around New Zealand for a month plus before it shipped back to me. A week ago, my cousin from New Zealand emailed me that she had received the gift. Thank goodness...the gift was $49, the shipping was $29 x 2. My lesson: don't be a SCATTERBRAIN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Scatterbrain" is a new word for me, thank you Co Tim !
You were not so dumb you did not forget the photograph of the gift ! And so you have a pretty picture to show !
ahaha ! One of my faithfulest visitors is from New Zealand, he is very kind you know hei familly is coming fron Korea. Perhaps is it for that reason...