Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!
My 4th of July stinks!
I just got two tickets within two weeks of each other.  The first ticket was for a parking violation, and the second ticket was for traffic violation (the "Left turn yield on green").


Cergie said...

I'm late, however yesterday I was not yet back home !!!
I hope you had a good day though, instead of the two tickets you got
I presume that if you'ld not have a car you'ld have no problem
(The music just finish now)

Cergie said...

Dear Co tim, you were the only one who spoke about aligator. I laughed so much that I almost fell from my chair. I thought that maybe there are plenty aligators in California. As cars and blue sky perhaps !

Anonymous said...

ah, no, we do not have any alligator, anymore (i think). you've mistaken us with Florida. hahahaha...

Cergie said...

And Crocodile Dundee ?
MMmmm ?
Oh yes, he is not American...
He is Australian

I found in my big flower bok that there is 3erythronium californicum"
Coming from the north of California
Sometimes in Erope we have so prcious flowers which are growing in wild nature elsewhere

Erythronium comes from Nort america and also from Eurasia

In fact in the gardens we may find all if the climate is good...